About Me Part 1

First I want to say that life, for all of us, has always been somewhat of a mystery: you know that old question, “why are we here?”, “where did we come from?”, “where are we going after this?”. I never quite got all those questions answered exactly, but over the years, I have started to get a pretty good idea.

Some people think I’m an Atheist – I’m not.

These writings are on one point, for the purpose of getting things straight (for one) about what I really believe in, as far as “God” goes.

You know, some people think I’m an Atheist. Well, for the record, let’s get it straight: I’m not. I just believe in God (or what ever you want to call him) in a different way. I think most people have gotten the wrong idea of what God really is. It’s just that I believe what God really is, is very different than what most Christians portray Him as.

In fact, strangely what we see in the Bible is a god that contradicts Himself and is a very different god in different times to different people. Then to top that off, people have made gods or even “the one true God” of human beings, which is a big mistake. I don’t claim to know what or who God is. I think God is too big and incomprehensible for any human being — to be honest.

It Doesn’t Really Matter

Some people say he (or she, or it) is the god of the Bible. Some people say he doesn’t exist. I say: it doesn’t really matter. Because if it did matter, you would know for sure — one way or the other. I do believe in God, not because I can prove his existence (I’ll call him a “he” just for convenience sake), but just because I want to — it seems to make things easier. That’s my prerogative.

There are thousands of gods around the world, and everyone believes that their god (or gods) is the right one and all the rest are not. It’s impossible to know which god or which religion is the right and true one, and they can’t all be. I say, it doesn’t really matter, because if it really did matter — you would know. Maybe there isn’t really a god. I believe there is, but it really doesn’t matter if there is one or not. And just believing something is true, doesn’t make it true.

I guess believing in God is just a little convenience too, because it kind of explains where everything around me came from, where I came from, and why I’m even here. I think explaining existence and why we’re here and all the rest is probably one reason some religions have been created and have existed all these thousands of years.

No one can really “prove” there is a god, but then no one can really prove there isn’t. After all, what is the point in trying to prove something that is impossible for us to even begin to understand — or see, for that matter? But it just makes sense that when you look at yourself and everything around you, you just have to know that there is something greater than yourself.

If you want to call that God, I have no problem with that. But to claim that you absolutely know for sure there is or is not a god, in my opinion, that’s being very disingenuous, frankly. What you believe or disbelieve, that’s your opinion — there’s no harm in that (unless it’s believing a lie). When it comes right down to it, the reality is, everyone is “agnostic”, in some way. The word “gnost” means knowledge or knowing. So, agnostic is simply not knowing. And no one really knows, even if they say they do.

Belief is nothing more than opinions

There is no way that anyone (at least that I know of) can say they “know” that God exists, even if they did read it in a book. And the same goes for those who might say they “know” God doesn’t exist. Really, it’s all about believing when it comes to God. Being a Theist or an Atheist — is all about one’s opinion. You form that opinion by reading or hearing other’s opinions. Belief is nothing more than opinions. If you say that what you believe, you know for a fact is true, you are not being truthful, because Truth is based on fact. If you can not absolutely prove a thing is factual, then it is nothin more than your opinion.

There’s a saying: “Everyone has the right to their own opinions, but nobody has the right to their own facts.” Your parents didn’t make you. You had no choice (apparently) in the matter: whether to be born, exist or die. There is no explanation given — but somehow you just know there is some reason you’re here. However, one thing you just have to admit — whatever caused it all was huge and very powerful — something much bigger than you.

If it did matter, one way or the other, you would know

Still, there is actually no way for anyone to prove one way or the other. Therefore, it doesn’t really matter. Because if it did matter, one way or the other, you would know, right? So why worry about it? What will be, will be, no matter what we believe or don’t believe, no matter what our opinion is. But for me, I still communicate to somebody I believe is out there — who it is, I really don’t know.

Next: About Me Part 2

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